~~~ Beautiful Maison Jumeau Bebe Parasol with Dog Handle ~~~ WhenDreamsComeTrue $520.00
Large very nice antique black cloth doll with embroidered face 22" Country and Shaker Antiques $775.00
A stately tall lovely black woman in original clothes 1880-90 Country and Shaker Antiques $825.00
Rare French Mademoiselle Mignonette with Bare Feet WhenDreamsComeTrue $2,750.00
23" cloth doll with painted face on linen, mid west origin 1900-20 Country and Shaker Antiques $495.00
Pretty Fancy French Poupee Bonnet for Huret , Rohmer ..... WhenDreamsComeTrue $495.00
Small little whimsical gem of a pencil face doll 11" tall C. 1880 Country and Shaker Antiques $500.00
A shelf sitter, Big beautiful painted face black doll 1890 24" Country and Shaker Antiques $750.00
Rare small size French Miniature Borzoi Salon Dog WhenDreamsComeTrue $520.00
Rare open Heeled Leather Slippers from 18th. Century ... WhenDreamsComeTrue $950.00
Rare Moon Face French Bisque Bebe Steiner in original Condition/ 1875 WhenDreamsComeTrue $8,250.00
Lovely 19th. Century Darling French Mignonette by Unis France ... WhenDreamsComeTrue $870.00
Lovely antique French light blue velvet Gown from 19th. century .... WhenDreamsComeTrue $498.00
Slightly shy big blue eyes painted face doll 25" circa 1890 Country and Shaker Antiques $575.00
Gorgeous French Bisque Bebe by Emile Jumeau size 8 WhenDreamsComeTrue $4,990.00
Dina, 15" embroidered face antique black doll original clothes 1880 Country and Shaker Antiques $575.00
Antique black doll penwipe made with a wishbone circa 1880 Country and Shaker Antiques $165.00
The Cutes childlike French Bebe by J. Steiner WhenDreamsComeTrue $3,550.00